Montana Book Festival

Quick note to say that I’ll be appearing at the Montana Book Festival again this year, reading from IN MEMORY OF THE GIRL IN GREEN and sharing the stage with some other fine writers. Event details are here. I’ll be moseying around other Festival doings during its course, so if you see me do say hello.

In Memory of the Girl in Green

New book news!

I’m pleased to announce that I’ve sold IN MEMORY OF THE GIRL IN GREEN to Audible Originals for an audio-first deal. It should release later this year. Details on a print version when I have them.

Here’s the announcement:

"Author of Dr. Potter’s Medicine Show Eric Scott Fischl’s In Memory of the Girl in Green, a literary novel told in an unforgettable voice, about elderly Norah Canivan, who recalls why Aoife, the Girl in Green, was struck by a train fifty years earlier— and knows that the men who harried Aoife to her death have now returned to recover what she took from them, to Steve Feldberg at Audible Originals for audio-first publication, by Jennie Goloboy of Donald Maass Literary Agency."



It's two weeks until the October release of THE TRIALS OF SOLOMON PARKER!  I'll be appearing at a variety of festive events, detailed below.  I encourage all and sundry to come by and say hello.  Note that at least half of these venues also serve alcohol, so that's a big win for everyone.  Hope to see you there.

SEPTEMBER 30, 10:00a, Missoula: Reading at THE PUBLIC HOUSE, an event which is part of the Montana Book Festival.

OCTOBER 7, 5:30p, Stevensville: Signing at BLACKSMITH BREWING.

OCTOBER 21, 2:00p, Butte: Signing at BOOKS & BOOKS.

OCTOBER 21, 4:00p, Butte: Signing at HEADFRAME SPIRITS.


I'll be at MisCon in Missoula over the Memorial Day weekend, sitting on some panels, doing a reading, and some signings.  Come by and say hello if you're attending.

My schedule is here.

And that is all.

DR. POTTER'S MEDICINE SHOW to be included in a university course.

More details later this summer, but I recently had the pleasant surprise to discover that DR. POTTER'S MEDICINE SHOW is going to be included in a freshman colloquium for the Honors College of a medium-sized university in the midwest, part of a course called "Making Discoveries".

That means several hundred unsuspecting freshmen will be forced to read the book and I'll be Skyping in for a quick chat at some point in the course.

So that's fun.

DPMS WORLD TOUR (of the Pacific NW) 2017

Hi all,

February 7th, DR POTTER'S MEDICINE SHOW's (US) release date is fast approaching and, Northwesterners, I'm coming to get all up in your business with some book events.  Mark your calendars; I'd love to see you there.

Feb 6, Portland:  Powell's on Hawthorne, 7:30p.
In conversation with Wendy Wagner + reading/signing.  (Update: I'm told that yes, there will be books available for purchase/signing, even though it's the day before the US release.  Get 'em here first!)

Feb 9, Seattle: University Books (U District location), 7:00p. 

Feb 10, Spokane: Auntie's Books, 7:00p. 

Feb 15th, Missoula: Fact & Fiction Books, 7:00p. 

It's very likely that I'll sneak in an ad-hoc event or two (Taco Tuesday anyone?) during this little tour, so watch this space.  Support your local booksellers if you can, and I look forward to seeing you in February.



I'm pleased to be able to share the tasty cover to DR POTTER'S MEDICINE SHOW designed by the talented Steven Meyer-Rassow.  Click on over to the Books section for a gander.

The full cover reveal and a post from me on some other great books in a similar vein can be found at the Barnes and Noble SFF blog here.

Mark your calendars

Oh lawsy, it's getting closer.  DR. POTTER'S MEDICINE SHOW will be out FEBRUARY 7, 2017 (US/Canada) and FEBRUARY 2, 2017 (UK).  Please support your favorite bookseller.

Cover art should be dropping soon(ish), which I look forward to sharing.

Pacific North-Westerners, MAKE A NOTE: I'm planning a short book tour around release time and plan to hit Portland, Seattle, and Spokane, wrapping up in Missoula, right around the week of release.  Further details to follow.  Expect readings, drinks, some free books, and likely some tacos to be had.

Hope to see you there.


MidAmeriCon II

Quick note to say that I'll be in Kansas City for MidAmeriCon II, Aug 17-21.  I'm having a bit of trouble linking the scheduling app to my registration for some reason, but when I get it worked out I'll put up a link to what I am planning to attend.

That is all.

I've signed with Angry Robot books!

Hi all,

I'm pleased to report that I've signed a deal with the fine folks at Angry Robot books.  The first book, "Dr. Potter's Medicine Show" (details here) to be released in February.  A subsequent book (actual title TBD, tentatively titled "The Hill and the Headframe") will be out circa November 2017.

Take a gander at the press release here.

Thanks to my agent, Jennie Goloboy, Angry Robot editor Phil Jourdan, and everyone else along the way who has helped get me here.


This isn't technically news-news, but just an FYI that I've been posting (very, very short) reviews on Goodreads of the books I've read lately.  I can be found there as Eric Fischl, appropriately enough.  So send me a friend/follow/whatever-it's-called request if you like.  I'm always on the lookout for book recommendations.

That's it.

End communication.

I'm now a client of Jennie Goloboy and Red Sofa Literary.

I'm extremely pleased to report that I've accepted representation with Jennie Goloboy and Red Sofa Literary (

The search for a literary agent is, frankly, a pretty miserable and demoralizing process, requiring research, effort, patience, and a very, very thick skin.  Even the best-written book in the world needs to somehow grab an agent's attention in a few paragraphs of a query letter, out of the dozens or hundreds of queries they've received that week.  If one is asked for subsequent chapters and/or the full manuscript, the book still needs to show quality and marketability, not to mention the author himself showing that he has, or can build, a viable platform of potential readers.  This is a process that takes many months or years for most writers, largely spent waiting on replies and then checking off rejections before starting again. I feel very fortunate that, in the grand scheme of things, my own search didn't take all that long, because I hated every minute of it. 

More importantly, though, I've connected with an agent that seems like a very good fit, with a history background and an interest in the types of books I like to write.  Jennie spent a good deal of time and effort going through drafts of my manuscript with a critical eye to help turn what was a reasonably good novel into a much better finished product and was also extremely patient with my new-to-the-publishing-world foibles, which I presume involved a fair amount of eye-rolling on her part.

So good times.  I'm looking forward to getting this book to the next level and hopefully seeing it in print one day.